Juniper Devices' Series Details
Juniper Interface Types
Form of Interfaces
IFD =Physical device
IFL =Logical Device
IFF =Address Family
IFA =Address Entry
Interface Descriptions
ge =gigabit ethernet
xe =10g ethernet
et/xle/fte =40g ethernet
et =100g ethernet
ae =aggregated ethernet (LAG or EtherChannel)
vlan or irb =a logical interface based on vlan
The interface name has three numbers
Type: x/y/z
x = FPC (the line card) [flexible pick concentrator]
y =Module or Slot [
z =Port number
Management interfaces
fxp0 =physical management interface on a router
em0 =internal ports on a router
me0 =physical management interface on a switch
vme0 =virtual management for a switch virtual-chassis (a switch stack)
Special interfaces
Junos has special interfaces called permanent interfaces
pimd/pime =special interfaces for multicast traffic
dsc =discard interface (to silently drop packets)
ipip/gre =used to create tunnel interfaces
Unnumbered interfaces
An interface without an IP (to save IP)
Juniper Hierarchy
Configuration Hierarchy
1. System
2. Interface
3. Rrouting -options
4. Protocols
5. Firewall
Interface Hierarchy
Interface=physical parameters (duplex settings, link speed, MTU etc.)
> unit=logical parameters (all logical configuration, sub-interface based on vlan){PBP & HDL-c required unit number is always 0}
>> family (inet=ipv4, inet6=ipv6, ethernet-switching=layer-2)
>>>settings (IP address, port mode=trunk or access, vlan others)
Junipers’ versioning system
M =Major Release Number
N =Minor Release Number
Z =Release Type
B =Build (Major)
S =Spin (Minor)
Release Types
R =First Revenue ship (FRS) or a maintenance release (main type of software release)
F =Feature Velocity release (15.1 only)
B =Beta release
I =Internal Release
S =Service Release
X =Exception Release
Monolithic design
It’s very simple and all processes including memory, management, file management, device management and process management are contained/handled directly in the kernel.
This is used for a very specific purpose. It can be very fast. However, the entire operating system uses a single memory space. That means a fault in one component can take down the entire kernel.
Modular design
A modular operating system is a bit different. Each process operates separately and independently, from the kernel in its own protected memory space. Drivers are also independent which means operating can be more ported to the hardware. This is a modern and sophisticated design.
APPLICATION > file system
> drivers
KERNEL > drivers, memory, management, etc
Junos Process
> starts up PFE’s interfaces and other hardware
> copies run in the RE and each PFE
> device control daemon
> manages interfaces (encapsulation, timers, vlans, IP)
> troubleshoot with: show log dcd
> management daemon
> provides device management (ssh, telnet, web)
> handles CLI commands and configuration
> routing protocol daemon
> manages all routing protocols (bgp, ospf, isis, rip)
> works out metrics, find best paths
> multithreaded process and uses scheduling so it doesn't devote all its time to a single task, its important as it can’t be allowed to get too busy working on one thing, then missing routing updates.
> snmp daemon
> responds to SNMP polling and sends SNMP traps
Junipers' Control Plane and Data Plane
Each network is a device separated into two logical parts: data plane and control plane. A plane is a logical concept, which explains how traffic is handled.
Control plane
It is responsible for managing traffic sent to or from the device. This includes routing protocol, traffic management, traffic and so on. Routers deal with routing protocol traffic switches respond to up requests and everything needs to be managed with ssh or other protocol, these types of traffic are sent to or from a switch, or rather not through it. This does not transit traffic rather is called exception traffic. Network devices need to receive processes and reply to exception traffic. This is handled by a control plane.
Data plane
This focuses on forwarding traffic from one location to another. When traffic comes in a device is likely to be forwarded to another location. This is called transit traffic. This traffic is passing through the data plane.
RE=Route Engine
PFE=Packet Forwarding Engine
*Special link that connects RE hardware to PFE hardware, that is called fxp1 or em1, the exceptional traffic will be sent through it. No transit traffic will pass through it.
*fxp0 is a management interface.
* Do not need to configure fxp1
* We can rate-limit traffic to the RE for its protection, this limits how much traffic can be pushed from the PFE to RE. This limiter is here as a protection against denial-of-service attacks. (dos)
* We cannot configure the right limiter ourselves, however we can create our own firewall filter to further limit traffic to RE. We can allow and deny traffic to the RE for its protection.
Routing and Forwarding Table
Dynamic routing traffic (ospf hello and DBD packets) are examples of exception traffic. The RE handles this type of traffic and uses it to build the routing table
Routing table is also known as the RIB (Routing information base) contains valid routes to reach destination networks.
N.B: the routing table contains all valid routes and is stored in RE, the forwarding table contains the best routes and in both the RE and PFE, the forwarding table is more than just layer three routes though it also contains layer two and layer one information, this is so the PFE knows which destination MAC and interface to use for egress traffic.
Routing Table
Ipv4 routing table-inet.0
Ipv6 routing table-inet6.0
Multicast Forwarding Cache-Inet.1, inet6.1
Multicast RPF (mcast loop prevention)-inet.2
There are several routing tables in junos, the main routing table is for ipv4 unique cost routes and is named inet.0. The routing table is for ipv6 unique cost routes and is named inet6.0.
We can't talk about without mentioning reverse path forwarding. This is a method of determining if a packet is valid or perhaps it is coming from an attacker. Thai is the logic behind reverse path.
If there is a valid route the packet will be forwarded as normal, if there is not a valid route the packet will be dropped. The reason is if there are some attacks that used forged IP addresses. If traffic is coming from an invalid source, then it has likely been forged. This way we can improve security postures.
In strict mode the source ip of the packet must be in the routing table and the packet must be received on the interface that’s used in the route.
If asymmetric traffic is normal in your environment, loose mode is better and if the symmetric traffic is normal strict mode is better.
Juniper Active and Candidate Area
The configuration that is running right now
The configuration we are preparing, not active yet
Commit command moves the candidate config to the active config
Location of the candidate
ex: run file list /var/rundb
Juniper Devices' Keyboard shortcuts
Ctrl+u : erases the entire command you have been typing
Ctrl+w : erases word by word
Ctrl+a : moves to the start of the line
Ctrl+e : move to the end
Alt+b : move back one word
Alt+f : move forward one word
Clt+k : delete from the cursor to the end of the line
Ctrl+l : redraw the current line
Ctrl+p/n : repeat previous or next command in the history