Cisco Basic Concept

Command Line Modes on Cisco routers and switches

The Cisco IOS has different command line modes, The five command line modes are given below:
  • User Exec Mode
  • Privileged Exec Mode
  • Global Configuration Mode
  • Specific Configuration Mode
  • Setup Mode
  • ROMMON Mode

Different Modes of a Cisco Router

The table below shows different modes of the router, their prompts, and how to enter into and exit from a particular mode:

ModesPromptsHow to enter into a particular modeExit from the mode
User Execution  ModeRouter>After, the router boots in default mode hit the ENTER key.Type EXIT in User Exec Mode


Privileged Execution ModeRouter#Type ENABLE command in user mode to enter into the privileged mode


Type DISABLE to go back to User mode.


Type EXIT to log out of the router


Global Configuration ModeRouter(config)#Type CONFIGURE TERMINAL  command in privileged mode to enter into global config mode


Type EXIT  to back to the previous mode i.e. privileged mode


Specific Configuration Mode
  • Router(Config-if)
  • Router(config-line)#
  • Router(config-router)#

& others

For interface mode, type Interface <port ID> in global config mode. For example:

Router(config)#INTERFACE Serial 0/0/0

Example for line mode:

Router(config)#LINE CONSOLE  0

Example for router mode:

Router(config)# ROUTER RIP

Type  EXIT to go back to a previous mode or type END to go directly into privileged mode.


Set-up ModeRouter Parameter <parameter Value>:Router enters into the set-up mode, when it does not find the startup-config in NVRAM.Type NO to exit from the set-up mode to get back to the user mode.
ROMMON Moderommon 1>When you are in privileged mode, type RELOAD command and as the router starts rebooting, immediately press CONTROL +C key to enter into the ROMMON mode


Type RESET command to go back to the usual mode

rommon 1>RESET

Passwords Setting on Cisco devices

In this world the Network security is a must. When we deploy the networking device in a data network there is a chance of vulnerability from external threats and unauthorized access to the network.

In order to prevent and protect the network from unwanted threats and unauthorized access, the devices must be protected with strong password.

###Types of Passwords

The different levels of passwords are set to access the router. There are five different passwords that can be set on a Cisco Router.

Enable Password
Enable Secret Password
Line Console Password
Line Auxiliary Password
Telnet or VTY Password

Enable and Enable Secret passwords are called the Privileged mode password. These two passwords are set to go from User Exec Mode to the Privileged Exec Mode. The Enable Secret password is encrypted by default.

The other three passwords i.e. Line Console, Line Aux, and VTY passwords are set to gain access to the router.
